We work towards the goal of zero emissions.
We support totally your material recycling;
instruction, pickup, transportation, palletization, matching business.
We can provide various solutions to our customers.

Recycling (Plastic collection and purchase)

We buy waste plastic (plastic scraps, plastic film, plastic powder) from various companies. We promote material recycling, especially pelletizing. We already established trust from many companies.

We have specific know-how, systems and nationwide network sales route Therefore, we can make stable deal with our customers.

Flowchart of material recycling »

Kanto-Daiichi Factory (Plastic compounds operation) information »

(Regeneration pellet • Compound)

We collect unmixed resin such as plastic scraps or plastic film from customer. We produce in our own factory to produce good quality regeneration pellet. We will be increase productivity at work to respond to your needs.

We sort by type and quality in Chiba Factory and Kanto-Daiichi Factory.
We produce pellets according to each characteristic.
We sell to domestic and foreign customers or manufacturers as superior recycled materials.

Matching business

We have been promoting proposal-based business that maintains a win-win relationship. And that is to solve the troubles of our customers or similar companies.

We help to achieve the zero emission of our customers. We will assist you in the correct pruning of your support company.
Or we solve environmental problems as a support company by ourselves.
We propose solutions from various viewpoints.
We will provide matching business for customer and try to co-existence and co-prosperity

Flowchart of matching business »